Franck Ledoux

Franck Ledoux

Director of Research


Université Paris-Saclay


I am member of the LIHPC research lab and director of research at CEA, France. I work on designing and providing meshing algorithms and software for the purpose of numerical simulations. My main research interests are about: quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation, mesh adaptation and mesh partitioning.

We produce quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation for the purpose of hydrodynamics and areodynamics codes. In this context, preferred meshes are said block-structured. It is my main research topic. Today, I consider that frame-field based global parameterizations, including Polycube, are the option to follow. As a complement, with researchers of IBISC, we investigate how to update block structures using reinforment learning techniques.

Generating meshes for numerical simulation codes raises the question of getting the “right” mesh. Trying to anwser leads to investigate how to generate/adapt a mesh considering data provided by the simulation code itself. It means to adapt the mesh to numerical fields and not only to a geometrical shape.

The last component of my reseach is mesh partitioning. It is a key feature for running HPC simulation codes efficiently. Our specificity is that we partition meshes and not graphs and we deal both with architecture constraints (MPI process, CPU threads, GPU threads) and code requirements (multi-stages physics, load balancing on the fly).

  • Geometry processing
  • Block-structured meshing
  • Simulation-driven mesh adaptation
  • Mesh partitioning
  • Accreditation to supervise research, 2013

    Université de Poitiers, France

  • PhD in Computer Science, 2002

    Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne, France

  • Master degree in Mathematics, 1999

    Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne, France

Short bio

I was born the 30th of April 1975. I defended my Ph.D. in 2002 on how to use algebraic specifications to study and define geometric operations, directed by Pascale Le Gall and Yves Bertrand. I was hired by CEA in 2004 as a researcher-enginner to work on the subject of quadrilateral and hexahedral meshing.

Since 2009, I’m Associate professor in Computer Science at the University of Évry-Val d’Essonne, University of Paris-Saclay. I’ve mainly taught software engineering (scrum, designs patterns, testing, etc.), component and object oriented design and meshing.

In 2015-2016, I was invited scientitist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, CA, USA, to design new algoritmhs for generation hexahedral-dominant meshes (partially funded by the French defense procurement agency, or DGA). Since 2018, I lead a CEA group of engineers and researcher that develop, maintain and provide user support for HPC tools and libraries: CAD & meshing, scientific visualization, physics databases (equations of state, opacity,. . . ). I am now, since january 2022, director of research at CEA and CEA fellow and expect to transfer research solutions into robust software.


Publications are given by year with the following indexation: [JI] for articles in international journal with selection committee, [JN] for articles in French journal with selection committee, [O] for articles in book, [CI] for invited presentation in international and national conferences, [CP] for presentations in international conferences with selection committee and proceedings, [CS] for presentations in international conferences with selection committee.


  • Claire Roche, Franck Ledoux, Jérôme Breil, and Thierry Hocquellet. Block-structured quad meshing for supersonic flow simulations. SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, Amsterdam, 6-9 March, 2023 [CP]
  • Cédric Chevalier, Hubert Hirtz, Franck Ledoux, Sébastien Morais. Coupe: a mesh partitioning platform. SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, Amsterdam, 6-9 March, 2023 [CP]
  • Valentin Postat, Nicolas Le Goff, Simon Calderan, Franck Ledoux, and Guillaume Hutzler. Formal definition of hexahedral blocking operations using N-G-maps. SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, Amsterdam, 6-9 March, 2023 [CP]
  • Sébastien Mestrallet, François Protais, Christophe Bourcier, and Franck Ledoux. Limits and prospects of polycube labelings. SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, Amsterdam, 6-9 March, 2023 [CS]
  • Cédric Chevalier, Hubert Hirtz, Franck Ledoux, Sébastien Morais. Exploring Mesh Partitioning with the Coupe Partitioning Platform. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Amsterdam, March, 2023.


  • François Protais, Maxence Reberol, Nicolas Ray, Etienne Corman, Franck Ledoux, Dmitry Sokolov. Robust Quantization for Polycube Maps. Computer Aided Design, special edition of SPM 150, 2022. [JI]
  • Nico Pietroni, Marcel Campen, Alla Sheffer, Gianmarco Cherchi, David Bommes, Xifeng Gao, Riccardo Scateni, Franck Ledoux, Jean-François Remacle and Marco Livesu, Hex-Mesh Generation and Processing: a Survey, ACM Transaction on Graphcis, 2022. [JI]
  • Corentin Dumery, François Protais, Sébastien Mestrallet, Christophe Bourcier, Franck Ledoux Evocube: A Genetic Labelling Framework for Polycube-Maps in Computer Graphics Forum. 2022. [JI]
  • Pierre-Alexandre Beaufort, Maxence Reberol, Denis Kalmykov, Heng Liu, Franck Ledoux, David Bommes, Hex me if you can, Computer Graphics Forum (SGP 2022), 2022. [JI]


  • N. Le Goff, F. Ledoux and J.-Ch. Janodet, Overlay Grid Mesh Adaptation using Discrete Interface Reconstruction, in 13th Symp. on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 16th USCNM Conference, Chicago, USA, July 2021. [CS]

  • N. Le Goff, F. Ledoux and J.-Ch. Janodet, Intercode Hexahedral Meshing from Eulerian to Lagrangian Simulations, chapter book in SEMA-SIMAI Springer Series in honour of the 60th birthday of Oubay Hassan, to appear in 2021. [O]


  • F. Ledoux Maillage structuré pour le calcul scientifique : Et si la solution venait de l’informatique graphique? In JFIG 2020, Journées Française d’Informatique Graphique, LORIA, Nancy, 26 Novembre 2020. [CI]

  • S. Morais, C. Chevalier, and F. Ledoux. A Multilevel Mesh Partitioning Algorithm Driven by Memory Constraints. SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC), Feb. 11–13, Seattle, WS, U.S.A., 2020. [CP]


  • N. L. Goff, F. Ledoux, J.-C. Janodet, and S. Owen. Guaranteed quality-driven hexahedral overlay grid method. 28th International Meshing Roundtable, 2019. [CP]
  • S. Caldéran, F. Ledoux, and G. Hutzler. Dual-based user-guided hexahedral block generation using frame fields. 28th International Meshing Roundtable, 2019. [CP]
  • F. Ledoux. Bringing frame field from research to industrial usage. In FRAMES 2019, First Workshop on Frame-based hex mehing, July 2019. [CI]
  • A.-M. Vintescu and F. Ledoux. Surface quad blocking using frame fields and mesh adaptation. In 12th Symp. on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 15th USCNM Conference, Austin, USA, July 2019. [CS]
  • N. L. Goff, F. Ledoux, and J.-C. Janodet. An overlay grid driven geometric model extraction. In 12th Symp. on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 15th USCNM Conference, Austin, USA, July 2019. [CS]
  • N. L. Goff, F. Ledoux, J. Janodet, and S. Owen. Hexahedral Overlay Grid Method with Guaranteed Element Quality. In IX International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2019), Alicante, Spain, May 2019. CIMNE. [CS]


  • N. Le Goff, F. Ledoux, and S. Owen. Hexahedral mesh modification to preserve volume. Computer Aided Design, 105:42–54, 2018. [JI]
  • N. Ray, D. Sokolov, M. Reberol, F. Ledoux, and B. Levy. Hex-dominant meshing: mind the gap!, in Computer Aided Design, 102:94–103, 2018. [JI]
  • H. Rakotoarivelo and F. Ledoux. Accurate manycore-accelerated manifold surface remesh kernels, in the proceedings of the 27th International Meshing Rountable, Washington DC, USA , 2018. [CP]
  • Nicolas Ray, Dmitry Sokolov, Bruno Lévy, and Franck Ledoux. Hexahedral meshing: Mind the gap!, in Solid and Physical Modeling 2018, Bilbao, Spain, June 2018. [CP]
  • H. Rakotoarivelo, F. Ledoux, and F. Pommereau. Parallel surface adaptation for manycore architectures, in 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM’18), New York, USA, July 2018. [CS]
  • N. L. Goff and F. Ledoux. A parallel shared-memory implementation of an overlay grid method, in 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM’18), New York, USA, July 2018. [CS]


  • F. Ledoux. Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation, in 27th International Meshing Roundatable, Albuquerque, USA, October 2017. [CI]
  • H. Rakotoarivelo, F. Ledoux, F. Pommereau, and N. Le Goff. Scalable lock-free metric-based remeshing algorithm for manycore/numa architectures, in Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing - 23rt International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, August 2017. [CP]
  • N. Le Goff, F. Ledoux, and S. J. Owen. Preservation improvement for interface reconstruction hexahedral methods, In Procedia Engineering, 26rd International Meshing Roundtable (IMR26), 2017. [CP]
  • N. Le Goff and F. Ledoux. A scalable generic mesh data structure for multicore architecture, in 11th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 14th USCNM Conference, Montréal, Canada, July 2017. [CS]
  • F. Ledoux, B. Lévy, N. Ray, and D. Sokolov. Hex-dominant meshing for CAD models with boundary-alignment constraints, in VIII International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2017), Verbania, Italia, June 2017. CIMNE. [CS]
  • F. Ledoux, K. Lewis, and W. Nissen. Frame-guided quadrilateral mesh generation for cad models, In 11th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 14th USCNM Conference, Montréal, Canada, July 2017. [CS]


  • H. Rakotoarivelo, F. Ledoux, and F. Pommereau. Fine-grained locality-aware parallel scheme for anisotropic mesh adaptation. Procedia Engineering, 163:123 – 135, 2016. 25th International Meshing Roundtable. [CP]
  • Eric Angel, Cédric Chevalier, Franck Ledoux, Sébastien Morais, and Damien Regnault. Fpt approximation algorithm for scheduling with memory constraints. In Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing - 22st International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lyon, France, August 2016. Springer. [CP]
  • R. Viertel, M.L. Staten, and F. Ledoux. Analysis of non-meshable automatically generated frame fields, in research note in the 25th International Meshing Roundtable, 2016. [CS]
  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, and P. Frey. Smoothness driven frame field generation for hexahedral meshing. Computer Aided Design, 72:65–77, 2016. [JI]


  • F. Ledoux. 3d frame fields, a tool for hexahedral meshing, in 10th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 13th USCNM Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, July 2015. [CS]


  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, and P. Frey. Automatic domain partitioning for quadrilateral meshing with line constraints. Engineering with Computers, December 2014. [JI]
  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, and P. Frey. Block-structured hexahedral meshes for cad models using 3d frame fields, in Procedia Engineering, 23rd International Meshing Roundtable (IMR23), volume 82, pages 59–71, 2014. [CP]


  • N. Le Goff, F. Ledoux, and J.-Ch. Weill. An imprinting algorithm to insert geometric details into hexahedral meshes, in VI International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2013), pages 412–423, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2013. CIMNE. [CP]
  • F. Ledoux. Using combinatorial maps to handle 2d and 3d meshes in distributed memory context. In 9th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 12th USCNM Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, July 2013. [CS]


  • A. Claisse, B. Després, E. Labourasse, and F. Ledoux. A new exceptional points method with application to cell-centered lagrangian schemes and curved meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 231(11):4324–4354, 2012. [JI]
  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, M. L. Staten, and S. J. Owen. Fun sheet matching: towards automatic block decomposition for hexahedral meshes. Engineering with Computers, pages 1–13, 2012. [JI]
  • C. Chevalier, G. Grospellier, F. Ledoux, and J.-Ch. Weill. Load balancing for mesh based multi-physics simulations in the arcane framework. In B.H.V Topping, editor, 8th conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.100.4, paper 4, 20 pages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, september 2012. [CP]
  • C. de Bellabre, F. Ledoux, and J.-Ch. Weill. An independent mesh model process to write meshing algorithms. In 8th conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.100.32, paper 32, 20 pages, Dubrovnik, Croatia, september 2012. [CP]
  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, and P. Frey. A PDE based approach to multidomain partitioning and quadrilateral meshing. best technical paper award. In Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, pages 137–154. Springer, 2012. [CP]
  • F. Ledoux, N. Le Goff, S. J. Owen, M. L. Staten, and J.-Ch. Weill. A constraint-based system to ensure the preservation of sharp geometric features in hexahedral meshes. Proceedings of the 21st International Meshing Roundtable, pages 315–332, 2012. [CP]


  • A. Claisse, B. Desprès, E. Labourasse, and F. Ledoux. Exceptional points in the glace scheme. In 11th USCNM Conference, July 2011. [CS]


  • F. Ledoux and J. F. Shepherd. Topological and geometrical properties of hexahedral meshes. Engineering with Computers, 26(4):419–432, 2010. [JI]
  • F. Ledoux and J. F. Shepherd. Topological modifications of hexahedral meshes via sheet operations: a theoretical study. Engineering with Computers, 26(4):433–447, 2010. [JI]
  • M. L. Staten, J. F. Shepherd, F. Ledoux., and K. Shimada. Hexahedral mesh matching: Converting non- conforming hexahedral-to-hexahedral interfaces into conforming interfaces. International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 82(12):1475–1509, 2010. [JI]
  • F. Ledoux, Y. Bertand, and J.-Ch. Weill. Generic Mesh Data Structure in HPC Context, volume 26 of Computation Technologies and Innovation Series, chapter 3, pages 49–80. Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, 2010. [O]
  • F. Ledoux, J.-Ch. Weill, and Y. Bertrand. Definition of a generic mesh data structure in the high performance computing context. In the proceedings of the 6th conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Civil-Comp Press, 2010. [CI]


  • N. Kowalski, F. Ledoux, M. L. Staten, and S. J. Owen. Fun sheet matching: towards automatic block decomposition for hexahedral meshes. In 7th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 10th USCNM Conference, July 2009. [CI]
  • F. Ledoux, Y. Bertrand, and J.-Ch. Weill. Generic programming for designing a mesh data structure. In 11th International Society on Computing Grid Generation (ISGG) Conference, Montreal, Canada, 12 pages, May 2009. [CP]
  • F. Ledoux, Y. Bertrand, and J.-Ch. Weill. Gmds: A generic mesh data structure. research note in the 17th International Meshing Roundtable, 2009. [CS]
  • M. L. Staten, J. F. Shepherd, F. Ledoux, and K. Shimada. Hexahedral mesh matching : Converting non-conforming interfaces into conforming interfaces. In 7th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation, 10th USCNM Conference, July 2009. [CS]


  • K. Jurkova, F. Ledoux, R. Kuate, T. Rickmeyer, T. J. Tautges, and H. Zorgati. Local topological modification of hexahedral meshes part ii: Combinatorics and relation to boy surface. ESAIM: Proceedings, 24:34–45, 2008. [CP]
  • F. Ledoux and J.-Ch. Weill. An extension of the reliable whisker weaving algorithm. Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, pages 215–232, 2008. [CP]


  • F. Ledoux, E. Brière de l’Isle, and J.-Ch. Weill. A pragmatic coupled approach to fit three-dimensional meshes onto cad geometries. In R. Montenegro B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, editor, Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 7, 13 pages. doi:10.4203/ccp.84.7, 2006. [CP]


  • F. Ledoux and L. Fuchs. Arrondi d’arêtes: de la topologie à la g1-continuité. Revue internationale de CFAO et d’informatique graphique, 18(2):215–230, 2003. [JN] 2002
  • F. Ledoux, J.-M. Mota, A. Arnould, C. Dubois, P. Le Gall, and Y. Bertrand. Spécifications formelles du chanfreinage. Techniques et Sciences Informatiquess, (21):1073–1098, 2002. [JN]


  • F. Ledoux, A. Arnould, P. Le Gall, and Y. Bertrand. Geometric modeling with casl. In Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, selected papers of 15th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques WADT’01, volume 2267, pages 176–200. Springer-Verlag, 2001. [CP]


  • F. Ledoux. A formal specification formalism dedicated to geometric modeling. In 13th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques, WADT’99, 1999. [CP]

Research Community Involvement

Participation to doctoral and HDR thesis committees

Phd Reviewer

  • Capucine Legentil, Interface insertion in 3D geomodels: from meshes to numerical simulations, Université de Lorraine, January 2022.
  • Lucas Prouvost, AMR for elliptic equations on quadtree/octree grids, Université Sorbonne, December 2022.
  • Paul Vivillle, Génération de maillages hexaédriques à partir de squelettes, Université de Strasbourg, Décember 2022.
  • Guillem Belda-Ferrìn, Conformal n-dimensional bisection for local refinement of unstructured simplicial meshes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, october 2022 (committee president).
  • Lucille-Marie Tenkes, Méthode de génération de maillages adaptés quad-dominant et hex-dominant pour des applications en mécanique des fluides numérique, INRIA Saclay, juin 2022.
  • Jovana Jezdimirovic, Towards an automatic solution for flexible quad layout generation and quad meshing, Université Catholique de Louvain La Neuve, Belgique, august 2021.
  • Christos Georgiadis, Indirect generation of quadrilateral and hexahedral-dominant meshes: a hybrid approach based on cross-field guidance, topological labelling and patterns, Université Catholique de Louvain La Neuve, Belgique, 20X May 2021
  • Pierre-Alexandre Beaufort, Parameterizations for Mesh Generation: Discrete Atlases, Crossfields and 3D Frames, Université Catholique de Louvain La Neuve, Belgique, December 2019.
  • Eloi Ruiz-Gironés, Automatic Hexahedral Meshing Algorithms: From Structured to Unstructured Meshes, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.

Phd Examiner

  • Rémi Feuillet, Embedded and high-order meshes : two alternatives to linear body-fitted meshes, INRIA Saclay, december, 2019 (committee president).
  • Adrien Maglo, Progressive and Random Accessible Mesh Compression, Ecole Centrale de Paris, July 2013.
  • Xevi Roca, Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.

Hdr Reviewer

  • Adrien Loseille, Mesh Generation and Adaptation for scientific computing, Université de Paris-Saclay, France, December 2020.

Hdr Examiner

  • Jeanne Pellerin, Mesh Generation, Université de Lorraine, France, June 2021.

Organization of scientific symposiums and conferences

  • International Meshing Roundtable (IMR): 2013, 2014, 2015 (Conference Chairman), 2023 (short courses chair)
  • Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation: 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2023
  • Adaptive Modeling and - Simulation (ADMOS): 2012, 2017 and 2021
  • Engineering Computational Technology: 2012 et 2014
  • Invited editor for Computer Aided Design (Elsevier): 2016 (special edition of IMR’15)


Generic Mesh Data and Services (GMDS) library

GMDS is a set of C++ libraries that provides data structures and algorithms (services) to represent, generate and modify 2D and 3D meshes. It mainly focuses on the generation of quadrilateral and hexahedral structured meshes for purposes in numerical simulation.

Most of the PhD students that work in our team use GMDS to develop their own works and contributions. GMDS is avalaible under LGPL licence on Github. See

Coupe library and tool

Coupe is a modular, multi-threaded partitioning library. It implements a variety of algorithms that can be used to partition meshes, graphs and numbers (see the API docs for a list). These algorithms can be composed together to build relevant partitions of your data. See

MGX (upcoming)

MGX is our 3D software used to interactively create and handle 3D BRep shape and block structures. It will be released soon under Affero GPL licence.